

Personalised jewelry is probably the most rewarding purchase I've ever made and the best birthday gift! Last week I celebrated my birthday with all of my amazing friends and they all decided to chip in a get me these cute initial rings (don't be fooled by this photo, they're teeny tiny). They are now my go to rings that I can pair with anything. You can find them at the Tiny Armour etsy store.

I came across this f*** off bracelet on Theyallhateus (amazing blog for inspiration of any kind) and it got me thinking about making statements with jewellery. Jewelry can almost act as a tattoo (except you can take jewelry off whenever you feel like it). Your jewelry can say nice things, honest things or just plain mean things like this...

I first came across jewelry making a statement with sometimes vulgar words in New York at a store on Lafayette Street called In God We Trust. It's a store with so much inspiration and amazingly friendly staff. I ended up buying these teeny tiny bicycle stud earrings and wore them everyday until well...I lost them. 


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